Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Art of Living in My Life!

I would like to share my experience of being with Art of Living. Being practical in nature. I do not accept friend of mine Lanka Deepak who was insisting me to do Art of Living course from one year but I never bothered to think about it. It is only when one of my close friend who is Doctor told me that do not waste your time & do the course immediately. Since I know Doctor as good friend so I taken his advice and registered for YES+ Course.

It is 5 days course - 4 hrs each day. I had wonderful experience in just 1 day which I cannot express here. They teach Sudershan Kriya which is just amazing. This course is not about particular religion but about Perfect Health Solution. Kriya helps you in many ways like keeping your mind calm , Control the emotions, blood Pressure & much more. I told my wife to join the course even our child Krishnasri was 3 months old. I will join my wife for course so that I can take care of child when she is doing Sudershan Kriya [ Breathing Technique which last for 30- 50 min ]. I had heard so many such experience of people who had done the course.

It is very surprising how Jus one day can change your life – if you allow them to. And I wonder what will happen to me after completing the course.

That was the first lesson we learnt there – everything in the world is only a matter of choice. I could either have paid money for the course and fooled around during it or have had fun learning everything that they had to offer. And I felt they offered so much!

It started out very funnily with a number of ridiculous jumping about exercises and the silliest dances anyone could find. And off course the weird way of introducing yourself. I wondered then if the whole thing was a farce. We were then taught the Suryanamaskar. I totally loved this. We practiced it around 20 times(I cursed the teachr like anything for the first day as it was very heavy for me to do, I know I am obese). It is supposed to work wonders on every part of your body if practiced daily for at least 20 times. I took a oath to practice it daily. The best part about it is that you don’t have to be a gymnast or even very nimble to do it, all it requires is a little patience to learn. We were then asked to stop our romping about and to rest. “Close your eyes and feel the movements and the energy flow within your body.”

We were asked to rest in a meditative position to perceive these sensations – with surprising results! It’s not only the feeling that has stopped its rush throughout your body, it is as if your body is whispering secrets to you, asking you to slow down and enjoy it as a part of yourself. How symbolic this is for an observer – the entire course was built on that very skeleton, that very framework, of asking every individual of the society to be able to find their quiet space within themselves, to be able to recognize oneself easier and understand one’s needs better – all of this aiming towards the goal of building a calmer society with peace loving, sane and well-rounded individuals.

We got ready then for a round of meditative breathing- the Pranayama. For this, we assumed the Vajrasana position(I hate this position because it pains my legs). In the same position, we also practiced the Bhastrika. Both the exercises allowed us to dispense with all of our day-to-day tensions and concentrate on what was going on around us. This was the last time that we practiced Vajrasana and I liked it. I was looking around for Lanka Deepak to kick him for bringing me to such a place where I have to undergo lot of physical strain and spoil my dress. (White shirt I liked the most). But at the end of the course I felt like a new person within myself and I thank Deepak for introducing me to such a wonderful act.

After we got into this mood, we were taught the Sudarshan Kriya, a method of meditation evolved by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. It was a method guaranteed to teach us the art and importance of silence. And how! We did this for more an hour, at the end of which I fell unconscious. I was really scared but when I looked around, I noticed that almost everyone had done that. I felt the vibrations in my mind, body and everywhere.

More importantly, when we got up finally to go home, I felt as if my body was floating above it. Many people had the same feeling. Indeed, some people had difficulty walking. But I should also tell you that I felt very very hungry after this Kriya and could not stop myself from over eating. Deepak took me to Sangeetha restaurant in Adayar. I took a north Indian meals and finished it in no time. I reached home around 11.30pm and I was talking to everyone till 3 in the morning. They said I look like a new person and the confidence in my voice increased. I was loud and clear. I gained lot of energy and I did not know what to do with it. I think I went on talking about various things to my roomies until I felt asleep. And before I was asleep I was dying to take another dose of AOL advanced course. This feelign is more than alchocol and tobaccoo. Believe me life is amazing and my life is smiling at me.. i can feel it..This is the experience with me for last one month and i believe for my life time.

Best regards,
Prayaga Purushotham

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